Aadhaar Kiosk

About the project

A standalone kiosk design to help users complete their Aadhaar enrolment and updating processes quickly and efficiently

Project Brief

"UIDAI intends to create next generation enrolment and update kiosk, which can be located at locations being frequently visited by the residents. Your task is to design a low cost Kiosk using industrial design best practices, which is inclusive, usable by both rural and urban residents" - Smart India Hackathon 2022

Problem Statement

Integrating the process of enrolment and updating of Aadhaar into a single kiosk keeping in mind inclusivity, accessibility, privacy and security

It is a platform that provides attendance, scheduling, deadline management and much more - all in one cohesive environment.

CampusHub is NOT a LMS or e-Learning platform.

User group

Literate Population of India without disabilities that could affect Aadhaar process (77 % population)

My roles

User Research

Desk Research

User flow mapping

System flow mapping


UI Design



College Project | Group of 2


4 weeks

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Aadhaar screens


Current System


User Flow

Going through the entire system, we understood the different user flows and how they branch out. This gave us an understanding of all the challenges we face when designing a Kiosk that automates all the existing processes

User flow


Operator Flow

Through contextual inquiry, we wanted to speak to some users to understand their perspective and more importantly, we wanted to understand the Aadhaar centre operator's workflow

Operator flow


Target Users

While Aadhaar can be obtained by all Indian Residents, our target user group is Literate Population of India without disabilities that could affect Aadhaar process (77 % population)

Operator flow



Home & Helpdesk

Language change option is placed at the top. Simple navigation. Though this is a standalone kiosk, options should be given to users to be able to contact support anytime




Demographic details

This is the first step of enrolment, a progress bar is present to show the status of their enrolment procedure

relative details
relative details
demographic details
demographic details

Document verification

After entering the demographic details, the user has to present the documents for verification

Document verification 1
Document verification 1
Documetn review
Documetn review

Biometric scanning

3 different biometrics are required. A progress bar show status of scanning. Clear instructions are provided to guide the user

Biometric 1
Biometric 1
Biometric 2
Biometric 2
Biometric 3
Biometric 3


All the details entered by the user are presented for one final check

Final message
Final message



Fingerprint login

To enhance security, fingerprint scan login is required after entering Aadhaar number

Login 2
Login 2

Select what to update

A list of items that can be updated are presented

Document verification 1
Document verification 1


Payment can be done wither through cash or UPI

Paymen mode
Paymen mode


Interactive Prototype

The entire flow has been prototyped, check it out!

Click here to view the prototype


Kiosk Design

We went through different ergonomic factors, and ideated to build a cheap and robust kiosk

Kiosk image 1
Kiosk image 2


What did I learn?

Cannot satisfy everyone

No design is perfect, and no design can be universal. There will always be edge cases, but it is important to consider the target user group and design the best solution for them


For an accessible design, sometimes sacrifices need to be made. In this project, we made the product and UI accessible and not fancy

Form over Function

Good design is how it works, not just how it looks


Next steps

Product design

We need to identify what materials to use for the product that would make it cheap but robust as well. We also need to figure how the backend of this kiosk is going to function.

Leverage AI

For our solution, a remote document reviewer still needs to be present because Indian documents format has changed multiple times in the past few decades. AI models to identify the genuineness of the documents submitted by users could be trained




As per reports from June 2022, 93.7% of Indian population have been granted the Aadhaar card. This is a huge demographic we are dealing with and designing a solution that satisfies the needs of the entire population for such a huge country is not very easy. We had to cut down by removing edge cases from our target user group

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