
About the project

Streamlining everyday activity in educational institutions

Problem statement

Everyday activities that happen in an educational institution are not streamlined.


It is a platform that provides attendance, scheduling, deadline management and much more - all in one cohesive environment.

CampusHub is NOT a LMS or e-Learning platform.

It is a platform that provides attendance, scheduling, deadline management and much more - all in one cohesive environment.

CampusHub is NOT a LMS or e-Learning platform.

User group

Faculty, Students

My roles

User Research
UX mapping
Interaction design


Solo passion project


4 weeks

This presentation is very solution oriented. To view the nitty-gritty details of my design process

Go to Behance

CampusHub Screens


Insights & Problems

Following insights were collected after interviewing, collecting quantitative data and performing a competitor analysis

Marking attendance

Remembering deadlines

Following class schedule


Assignment submission

Too many software

Following announcements

Tracking agenda

Scheduling conflicts

Scheduling conflicts

Study material sharing


Task management

Faculty status

Work notification



After multiple iterations of ideations, creating UX artefacts and synthesizing research data, wireframe of the complete flow of the app was created

Click here to view the prototype


Student Flow

Get starteD

There are two flows - one for students and the other for faculty. System detects flow based on the user credentials

Campushub login
Campushub login

All in one screen

Comprehensive home screen that presents the students with things to do, weekly agenda and announcements. Last screen presents overall attendance

Campushub Attendance
Campushub Attendance

Class Details

Find all the classes for the particular term. Track assignment deadline. Too late to submit? the submission gets locked! Share study material with you classmates

Campushub Assignments
Campushub Assignments
Campushub Resources
Campushub Resources


Faculty Flow

Today's Agenda

Home screen display all the classes and meetings for the day and upcoming days. These details are fetched directly from your schedule. Change your availability status to let the students know

Faculty Agenda
Faculty Agenda

Monthly view

Tap on any date to find your plans for that day


Class Settings

Number of classes, duration for each class, class color and background, all in class settings

Class settings
Class settings


Add students or share a code ti let them join

Add students
Add students


Enter grades for students. Don't have to go searching for subject specific mark list ever again



To maintain security and genuineness, any personal information change has to be done only by the administrator



Notifications & Widgets

Never miss an Update

Get notifications and access your schedule without even opening the app!


Admin Flow

Message individual and groups

Admins can send announcements. This acts as a replacement for college mail, putting everything in one app

Message individual
Message individual
Message group
Message group


Desktop Screens

Grading & Assignments

A cross platform application is required since the users use both laptops and mobile for carrying out different activities

Grading desktop
Grading desktop
Grading desktop
Assignments desktop
Assignments desktop
Assignments desktop


What did I learn?

Avoid Bias

Since I am a student myself, I learned not to put my personal opinions in my design process. I instead worked based off of evidence.

Go Deep

I understood the importance of understanding every small detail. From colors, to content, I had to go deep into every single feature.

Focus on mvp

It is tempting to design more features and come up with universal solutions. But given the deadlines and amount of user feedback, it is important to speak to the users and iterate.


Next Steps

Better attendance system

One of the major problems with marking attendance is that it takes time when there is a class of, say, 50 students. This also leads attendance proxy(which I have done myself 😉). Better research will lead to better solutions

Design complete flow

I had a lot of fun with this project especially because I connect with it so much. I would love to develop this and launch it for institutions.

Now that you are here…

Hey! thanks for going through my work. This is only the output of my project, if you are interested in my design process, check out the complete version on Behance, link below:

Go to Behance